PicMA and "First Officers Flying"
A frequent objection to the PicMA concept is that "it requires Captains to do all the landings". So if it's implemented in the many airlines that encourage "leg and leg" flying, it will have a negative impact on F/Os ability to gain experience. This is a misunderstanding of descriptions such as that given in the CFIT Training Aid, which states that in Monitored Approaches "the First Officer flies the Approach and Missed Approach while the Captain monitors and makes the landing." The equivalent description of the traditional concept would be "The Captain flies the approach and makes the landing, while the First Officer monitors".
Alternatively, it's argued that adopting PicMA will have minimal effect, because half the approaches are already being monitored by Captains, and implementing PicMA as a standard procedure would simply reverse them, with no overall benefit.
In fact, analysis shows that if used as the normal SOP, the PicMA (delegated flying) procedure will always provide a safety benefit, regardless of the airline’s policy in respect of First Officers’ sectors (PICUS or Pilot In Command Under Supervision). This section examines this situation and the need for carefully chosen operating minima for PICUS.